Our Mission

To inspire, encourage, educate, and change lives by communicating God’s truth and connect people to God’s work through Grace Baptist Church programs.

Are you looking for a home church where you and your family can grow spiritually in the Lord?

Grace Baptist Church (GBC) can help you anchor for the storms of life that will come. What do you do when the storms of life beat down on your life? To whom do you turn? Where do you seek comfort and security during such tumultuous times? COVID-19 brought on lots of fear and anxiety for the last months. Remember these words from from our heavenly Father “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Clink to Him in faith and no plague shall come to your dwelling!

When you learn to place your anchor firmly in the Lord Jesus Christ you will be able to ride out the storms of life because you are not alone. Grace Baptist Church seeks to help you through these tumultuous times of your life. We all know that these storms come and go unexpectedly throughout our lives. And yet, even though life tries to keep us off-balance, scripture assures us that we can maintain a steady footing regardless of the circumstances.

If your life is empty it can be filled to overflowing.

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” ( II Corinthians 5:17 )

In His service,

Rev. Dr. Lawrence S. Thompson